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The 2024 BOTAR President – Natalie Kirk Welch

Even though Natalie Kirk Welch didn’t grow up being familiar with the Belles of the American Royal organization, she is now defining and directing what it means to be a loyal and dedicated supporter of both BOTAR and the American Royal! And while Natalie, herself, might have questioned her appointment to the office of president for the 75th anniversary year of BOTAR, the people who know her and know the history of the institutions knew that she was the perfect person at the perfect time for this job. 

Natalie’s family has familiarity with both organizations. Her aunt, Julie Kirk, was a BOTAR in 1969, and Julie’s daughter, Kristi Kirk, was in the class of 2011. When the time came, Natalie’s mom explained that she had been proposed for the BOTAR class of 2002 and thought it would be a good idea for Natalie to consider accepting if an invitation was issued. It was and she did! Prior to that, Natalie had taken English riding lessons at Kirin Farms, so she had a love of riding and horses, but never knew there was a place to channel that energy as an adult. 

Jeffrey “JC” Welch and 2024 BOTAR President Natalie Kirk Welch

After graduating from Kansas State University with an agricultural degree, she decided that she wasn’t really excited about using that particular skill set. (Although, her ag background serves her well now!) Instead, Natalie had spent a great deal of time working with her father in his financial business, and she felt that was the way to initiate her post-college professional career. Proving to be successful, she is still employed in the financial services industry. Having this particular professional expertise has been a great bonus for the BOTAR organization. In all of her volunteer positions, and there have been many, she has lent financial knowledge and prowess that cannot be overlooked. She has, of course, held positions such as treasurer and finance committee member, but she has also been in charge of the Ball, BOTAR Activities, the BBQ party, and served on committees for benefactors and information technology, among others. 

Natalie’s value doesn’t just come from her areas of professional proficiency, she is also an enthusiastic user of the word “yes!” She realized that whether or not she knew the organization or the people involved in the beginning, it was always a good idea to say “yes” to a committee appointment and learn more. Along the way, she gained not only valuable experience, but as anyone in BOTAR will attest, she would also make amazing friendships. Those people are now the counterparts in her journey who are giving her support, endorsement, guidance, and answering her calls and questions, any time of the day or night. 

Along with her husband, Jeffrey Welch (JC to most), Natalie is taking the 2024 year by storm. She is planning a beautiful Ball for October 26th, she is active in the 75th anniversary activities, along with Chairman Kim Manka Mann; and she is helping the American Royal navigate its vision of building the new facility. The American Royal’s new headquarters is under construction and will be complete in 2025, and Natalie is enthusiastic about helping to share the American Royal’s mission and vision. Equally fun is the shared anniversary year – BOTAR’s 75th and the American Royal’s 125th. JC is encouraging her every step of the way, and the two of them have fun attending the myriad activities together during the whole process. 

2024 BOTAR President Natalie Kirk Welch and Jeffrey “JC” Welch

The view from Natalie’s perspective includes the idea that above all, she wants the membership of BOTAR to have a great experience. She wants the legacy of her leadership to be continued enthusiasm within the membership, hoping that they, too, will say “yes” when asked. She wants collaboration to be a key component in the organization because she believes that the culture of developing leadership and making the organization accessible is critical to its continued success. Her own open and passionate leadership style is certainly lending itself to a fantastic year. We know the Ball will be beautiful and successful, and the organization will be left better after Natalie’s careful stewardship. 

Featured in the August 24, 2024 issue of The Independent
By: Anne Potter Russ



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