Cabot Westside Medical and Dental Center at KC – Cinco de Cabot
Performers Aztlan and Sugar Ray will take the stage on May 3rd at Cinco de Cabot, a benefit concert for Cabot Westside Medical and Dental Center at KC Live! in the Power and Light District. Sara and Dr. Terry Curran, along with Manny Lopez and his family are the honorary co-chairmen, and Cori Turner, Lolita Ayala and Debbie White are serving as the co-chairmen.
Also featured in the April 6th issue of The Independent
Photo Credit: Mark McDonald and SLHF

(Seated) Kim Lopez-Burdolski and Manny Lopez, honorary co-chairmen (standing) Kathy Lopez-Ritz, Danny Ritz, David Lopez, and Renee Lopez, honorary co-chairmen

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