Congratulations, Megan & Weston!
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Clayton Mrkonic of Overland Park are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Megan Craig Mrkonic, to Weston Patrick Buckley, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Owen James Buckley of Our Town. The bride-to-be is the granddaughter of Mrs. George Ralph Mrkonic of Merriam and the late Mr. Mrkonic, and the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thorne Schwanzle. Megan is a graduate of The Pembroke Hill School. She has a bachelor of arts degree in French cultural studies from Wellesley College and a master’s degree in business administration from Consortium University in Asolo, Italy. Megan is careering with Payless ShoeSource in Topeka.
Her groom-elect is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hans Osness of Lawrence, Kansas, and the late Mr. and Mrs. Winton Wesley Buckley. Weston is a graduate of The Pembroke Hill School. He earned a bachelor of arts degree in environmental science from The University of Kansas and a juris doctor from DePaul University College of Law in Chicago. Weston is employed by The Katz Law Firm in Overland Park. Theirs will be a private wedding on October 5th at The Williams House in Lawrence, followed by an October 6th reception for family and friends.
Also featured in the April 14th issue of The Independent
Photo Credit: Gloria Baker Feinstein

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