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Johnson County Community College Foundation – 37th annual Some Enchanted Evening

November 11th was the date for Johnson County Community College Foundation’s 37th annual Some Enchanted Evening, which was held at the Overland Park Convention Center. Sharon and Dr. Jerry Cook served as chairs of the event. Dr. Roy Jensen, University of Kansas Cancer Center, was named as the 2023 Johnson Countian of the Year. Proceeds from the event are earmarked for scholarships and students in the Veterans Services program. 

Richard and Linda Price, Sharon Cook, event chair; Leroy and Connie Graham, MJ and Jeff Muchow, and Dr. Jerry Cook, event chair


Jenny and Mike Hughes with Mike and Susan Lally


Raynee Mendez, Cesar Duron, Gerardo Ruiz, Kena Zumalt, Anthony Rima, and Adrian McNally


Featured in the December 16, 2023 issue of The Independent.
Photo credit: Troy Thomas/Summit Studios


GREAT MOMENTS: Highlights of Kansas City’s arts year 2023

Kansas City brought so much exceptional work to local stages this year that narrowing this list to 10 became a Solomon-like exercise. It’s hardly a comprehensive survey (and it’s in…

TEAM PLAYERS: Artists find that everyone gains from collaborations

Collaboration in the arts is not a choice: These days, it’s practically a necessity. In recent decades, Kansas City’s arts groups have noticeably moved toward a collaborative model, to the…

Rachel’s Reads – December 2023

As the year comes to a close, it’s time once again for my yearly roundup of my favorite reads this year. A few might look familiar as I have recommended…

Congratulations, Captain Molly Kay Langland and Lieutenant Andrew Rankin Carter!

Captain Molly Kay Langland and Lieutenant Andrew Rankin Carter were joined in matrimony on August 12th in Missoula, Montana, at a private home, with a friend officiating, the Reverend Matthew…