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Kansas City Young Matrons – Civic Honoring Day

On October 7th, the Kansas City Young Matrons celebrated Civic Honoring Day at their historic Club House. Guests enjoyed a delicious lunch and Past Presidents, Silver Members, Life Members, and Honorary Members were honored. 

Also featured in the November 16th issue of The Independent
Photo Credit: David Remley

Honorary Members: Virgie Bancroft, Margaret Ewing, Peggy Jones, Lucinda Rice-Petrie, and Kathy Smith
Past Presidents: (Front row) Carol Anderson, Kathy Smith, Virgie Bancroft, Lynn Rodewald, Carolyn Patterson, Lucinda Rice-Petrie, Nina Hollabaugh, Cindy Price, Linda Ehinger, Sue von Geyso, and Bette Monson (back row) Pam Zschoche, Jan Pierson, Dianne Tanquary, Kathy Vigliaturo, Mary Pat Fruin, Linda Weber, Teri Clark, Bonne Illig, Betsy Vossman, Sue Lund, and Janice Fischer



Fireside Committee of the Kansas City Art Institute- Feelin’ Groovy Fundraising Event

November 13th was the date for the Fireside Committee of the Kansas City Art Institute’s cocktail reception to thank benefactors of its Feelin’ Groovy fundraising event on November 23rd. Juliette…

War Horses For Veterans – The Derby Party

War Horses for Veterans, founded by Andy and Patricia Brown, held its third annual fundraiser, The Derby Party, on May 4th. More than 400 guests watched the Kentucky Derby race…

Symphony League of Kansas City – Spring Luncheon

Lidia’s was the lovely location for the Symphony League of Kansas City’s annual Spring Luncheon on May 8th. Mandy Burditt and Trish Mayer were the co-chairmen. Nearly 60 members and…

Symphony League of Kansas City – Ball Kickoff

Symphony League members gathered at Amy Volini’s beautiful home recently to kick off preparations for the 2024 Symphony Ball, “NOVA.”Amy and Julie Sykes hosted the fun event, where Ball Chairman…