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MOCSA – Chiefs Charity Game

Kris Reeder is serving as the event committee chair for the Chiefs Charity Game, which will benefit MOCSA (Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault). He is also leading the  fundraising efforts during the final year of a three-year partnership with the Hunt Foundation. The event, which will be held on August 26th at Arrowhead Stadium, will raise awareness and support MOCSA’s education and prevention programs. 

(Kneeling) William Munoz and Lisa New, event committee members; Sarah Rathke, and Brendan Otteman (standing) Sandy Murphy, Kate Schwaller, Carey Rich, Sandra Williams, Ross Lanius, Kristi Bond, and Tiffany Melton Meeks, event committee members (out of camera range) Jessi Bixler, Taylor Dunn, Melanie Fenske, Melanie Glassman, Monica Gray, Emily Hall, Christi Hilker, Mike Hopkins, Jenn Kabler, Stacy King, Sean Klippel, Mary Larkin, Reed Martens, Erin McGrane, Sonya Nutter, and Katie Peterson, event committee members; Kris Reeder, chair; and Karen Schroeder, Alex Strotheide, Nancy Tonkins, Jill Wehner, Caroline Wilber, and Kris and Jason Wilcoxson, event committee members

Featured in the June 24, 2023 issue of The Independent. 


MOCSA – Night Out with MOCSA Cocktail Party and Auction

The Midland Theatre will be the site for Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault’s (MOCSA’s) 20th annual Night Out with MOCSA Cocktail Party and Auction on October 19th. The event…

MOCSA Volunteer

Kersti Azar recently moved from Chicago to Kansas City and immediately started making an impact in MOCSA’s hospital advocacy program. She completed 40 hours of training and has provided more…

Rising Star Laura Palacios

Laura Palacios is a woman who gets things done. In her words, she “means business” when it comes to the causes she champions. Renowned for her support of literacy, diversity…

Name Dropping – Barbara Haviland 

Symphony Ball Chairman Barbara Haviland and her dedicated committees are in the midst of creating a supernova event designed to honor a superstar! The 2024 Symphony Ball, presented by the…