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The American Royal – Chairman’s Uptown Hoedown

November 23rd was the date for The American Royal’s Chairman’s Uptown Hoedown. Charlie Tetrick served as chairman of the event, which was held in Hale Arena. Friends and supporters of The American Royal gathered to kick up their heels and celebrate the conclusion of the 120th American Royal season. Proceeds support The American Royal’s mission to impact the future of agriculture.

Shannon and Scott Bassett with Kurt and Katie Dunn


Lindsey Patterson Smith and Stephanie Boryla


Ford and Christine Maurer with Mark McDowell


Megan Green with Ryder Kiesner, trick roper


Kathy Park, Nick Park, and Emily Park


Singer Jenny Marvin of Two Way Crossing led partygoers in a line dance.

Also featured in the January 11, 2020 issue of The Independent
Photo credit: MSH Photography


Park ICM – Stanislav & Friends Benefactor Party

Park ICM recently hosted a Benefactor Party for its fifth annual Stanislav & Friends benefit. Held at the rooftop ballroom of the InterContinental Kansas City at the Plaza, guests were…

Notre Dame de Sion – 38th Annual Gala

March 2nd was the date for Notre Dame de Sion’s 38th Annual Gala, which was held at The Abbott. The festive event featured a “Noir et Blanc” theme. Partygoers dressed…

Kansas City Young Matrons’ Magic Ball – Patrons’ Party

The Kansas City Royals Hall of Fame was the site for the Patrons’ Party for the Kansas City Young Matrons’ Magic Ball on March 7th. Bonne Illig and Sue Lund…

The Kansas City Art Institute

While we throw around familiar terms for our beloved KCAI, we thought it might be interesting to explore who the benefactors are, what are the origins of the institution, and…