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MOCSA – Community Luncheon

Sheila Kemper Dietrich was the honorary chairman, Kimberlee Ried and Erik Bergrud were the community support committee chairmen, and Alicia Starr and Polly Kramer were the event co-chairmen for the Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault (MOCSA’s) Community Luncheon. The May 3rd event was held at the Muehlebach Tower of the Kansas City Marriott Downtown. Ken Armstrong, Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist, was the keynote speaker. May 1st was the date for a Patrons’ Party, which was held at the lovely home of Christine and Sandy Kemper. Proceeds support MOCSA’s work to improve the lives of those impacted by sexual assault and abuse and to prevent sexual violence in our community.

(Seated) Marilyn Barth, Mary Lynn Wright, Rosemary Jenkins, and Joy Stein Cross (standing) Steve Phillips, Shirley Pryor, Rebecca Pryor, and Delight Davis


(Seated) Helen Wewers, Dennis Rilinger, Darcy Howe, Palle Rilinger, and Cathy Hiersteiner (standing) Shane Hammon, Angie Blumel, Jay Rilinger, Joe Hiersteiner, and Steve Taylor


(Seated) Christina Ricci, Mary Debluse, Alex Larson, and Nina Ricci (standing) Matt Sharples, Michael Ricci, Rachel Tingle, and Grant Sharples


(Seated) Tim Cowden, Nathan Marticke, Nan Johnston, and the Honorable Kay Barnes (standing) Jared Campbell, Erik Bergrud, community support committee chairman; Stephanie Amaya, and Celeste Greenlee

Also featured in the June 8, 2019 issue of The Independent
Photo Credit: Roy Inman


Fireside Committee of the Kansas City Art Institute- Feelin’ Groovy Fundraising Event

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Symphony League of Kansas City – Spring Luncheon

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