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The BOTAR Class of 2017
The Belles of the American Royal (BOTAR) Organization is pleased to announce the 2017 class of BOTARs.
These 33 young ladies were introduced at the traditional Presidents’ Tea at The Kansas City Country Club.
Led by President Tracy Tetrick, the busy fall season for the BOTARs is in full swing and will culminate with
the 68th BOTAR Ball on October 21st at the Muehlebach Tower of the Kansas City Marriott Downtown.
The Belles are: Katherine Rose Barnthouse, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Michael James Barnthouse *
Jacqueline Taylor Beaham, Mrs. David Gordon Beaham and the late Mr. Beaham * Riley Jean Clause,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anthony Clause * Elizabeth Marie Clough, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dean Clough *
Grace Elizabeth DeGoler, Mr. and Mrs. James Davis DeGoler * Sadie Elizabeth Duffy, Mr. and
Mrs. John Ryan Duffy, Jr. * Jane Clare Evans, Maureen McGannon Evans and Mr. Paul David Evans *
Caroline Elizabeth Fiss, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hampton Fiss * Anna Frame, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Russell
Frame * Hannah Elizabeth Griffith, Dr. and Mrs. Patrick David Griffith * Polly Josephine Haun, Amy
Taylor Haun and Mr. James Andrew Haun * Allison Chambers Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Canfield
Hogan * Riley Anne Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craig Hunter * Abbey Elizabeth Jones, Lauri Burpee
Jones and Mr. Laurence Russell Jones III * Mary Ellen Ledom, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Steven Ledom, Sr. *
Melissa Lea Linville, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eugene Linville * Kelly Lynn Love, Mr. and
Mrs. William Perkins Love * Margoth Bankhead Mackey, Ruth Martha Brito and Mr. Charles Errett
Mackey * Sarah Catherine Maner, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen Maner * Emily Ann McCann, Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Langdon McCann * Margaret Anne McLiney, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Curran McLiney *
Sara Kaitlin Meurer, Dr. and Mrs. Michael Francis Meurer * Grace Madeline Miller, Ann Elizabeth
Kampfe and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Creighton Miller * Elizabeth Renee Reazin, Mr. and Mrs. Troy Aaron
Reazin * Emma Elaine Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott Robertson * Emma Elizabeth Robson,
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dean Robson * Michelle McPike Royle, Mr. and Mrs. Michael John Royle *
Grace Thompson Scovell, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fredrick Scovell * Tiernan Bennett Shank, Mr. and
Mrs. Christopher Steven Shank * Shaeffer Muehlbach Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dean Smith *
Sarah Michelle Spradling, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery Spradling * Meg Olivia Stanley, Mr. and
Mrs. Scott W. Stanley * and Chloe Everette Stradinger, Mr. and Mrs. John Michael Stradinger.
Each year, the Pages herald the entry of the BOTARs and their escorts at the Ball. The 2017 Pages are:
Hallie Ann Pfeiffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Lawrence Pfeiffer * and Claire Jane Schilling,
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey David Schilling.
8 | September 2, 2017 | @KCIndependent