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The 68th BOTAR Ball – Tracy Lyon Tetrick

The 68th BOTAR Ball will take place on October 21st at the Muehlebach Tower of the Kansas City Marriott Downtown. Tracy Lyon Tetrick is serving as president of BOTAR and is a BOTAR, class of 1990. She has been on the Executive Committee as treasurer in 1999, vice president of BOTAR activities in 2004 and vice president of American Royal activities in 2015. Her other leadership roles have included Benefactors co-chairman, Reservations chairman, Tablescapes co-chairman, and Program chairman. Tracy’s daughters, Katie and Courtenay, were BOTAR Pages in 2004 and 2013 respectively.

According to Tracy, the BOTAR Ball was started with the intention of fostering interest in the American Royal, and BOTAR continues to be one of its longest and strongest supporters. “Besides providing financial support, BOTAR provides hundreds of volunteer hours to support the American Royal’s mission. 

Tracy has great memories of her many years of being involved with BOTAR. “Probably my favorite was working with Jenny Tuttle on the BOTAR auction,” said Tracy. “We dressed up as ‘Bo-regard-TAR’ and ‘Tammy Why Not’ and put on a skit for our BOTAR membership to try to entice people to the auction. It was a hoot as no one ever did skits at the general membership meeting.” 

1990 Tracy Tetrick w_parents
Tracy Lyon Tetrick as a BOTAR in 1990 with her parents, Paul Travis Lyon and Susan Fehlig Lyon

The 2017 class of BOTARS, Escorts and Pages also have deep BOTAR roots. There are 15 legacy BOTARS, some with both their mothers and grandmothers as past presidents. The Pages have had grandmothers as past presidents, and one Page’s great grandfather was one of the BOTAR founders. Four of the Escorts have BOTAR legacy connections as well.

Tracy feels strongly that the BOTAR Ball will have an impact on Our Town. “Every year, BOTAR introduces a new class of motivated, civic-minded young women who have an interest in supporting their community. BOTAR helps introduce them to their community obligations, fosters multi-generational relationships, creates networking circles, and helps set the foundation for our future community leaders. The BOTAR Escorts also see this as a wonderful and fun opportunity to network, get involved in the community and to support the missions of BOTAR and the American Royal.”

She also has a full calendar of monthly events for the 2017 class of BOTARs and Escorts as well as for the BOTAR membership to get involved and stay connected. There will be a BOTAR Buffet, when the Escorts’ names will be revealed to the BOTARs. In addition, there will be a Royal Welcome, which will be a cocktail party at the American Royal for the 2017 BOTARs and Escorts as well as for their parents. For the first time, BOTAR will be hosting a tent down at the American Royal Barbecue. Other events include Happy Hours and BOTAR Night at the Royal, where members can bring their families for dinner and festivities before the rodeo. Added Tracy: “Volunteering down at the American Royal school tours is always a favorite.”

2004 Tracy, Charlie and Katie (Page)
Charles and Tracy Tetrick with their daughter, Katie, a Page in 2004

Tracy understands the importance of pulling in the younger generation on planning all aspects of BOTAR because they are its future and will ensure its continuity and longevity. She also knows how fortunate it is that the membership is multi-generational and can serve in a mentoring capacity. Said Tracy: “The president of BOTAR my year was Page Reed. She did a great job of getting our class involved right off the bat, making sure we knew how important the American Royal was to BOTAR, and how important it was to stay involved.” Tracy served under Page Reed on several committees and is so honored to have Page, along with her daughter, Mary as co-chairmen of this year’s Presidents’ Tea. Added Tracy: “I hope I can be the same president to this year’s class as Page Reed was to ours.”

When asked about any sneak peeks for the BOTAR Ball, Tracy said that part of the excitement of attending the Ball is being surprised as to how the president adds her own style and twists to this long-standing, traditional event. “I don’t want to give away too many of our secrets, but I can say that I love the Grace Kelly look.”

2017 Tetrick Family Shot
Katie Tetrick, Charles and Tracy Tetrick, BOTAR president; Chase Tetrick and Courtenay Tetrick

Also featured in the August 19, 2017 issue of The Independent
By Ann Slegman



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