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Art Scene

Folly Theater – 10th Annual Garden Party

“Eat, Drink, and Be Jolly For The Folly!” Such was the calling card of the Folly Theater’s Garden Party on June 2nd held at the stunning home of Brian Williams. Brian has been hosting this fun picnic to benefit the Grand Lady of 12th Street for 10 years, and raising much needed funds for her […]

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InterUrban Art House – Identity: Whose?

“What comes to mind when you think of your identity or identities? Do you think about them often, or hardly at all?” With close to 60 artists, there is a lot to take in, and Wolfe warns, “Some of it may be difficult for some people.” For each show, IUAH gives a small scholarship for […]

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Art Scene – #PRIDE

We are all so magnificently different. The recent trend seems to be the wielding of differences to pry people apart. It seems like a much better use of time to examine and exalt variations in style, choice, flavor, characteristics, and opinions. Starting right here seems like a good exercise in the fluid movement of understanding […]

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Art Scene – #AAPI TRAILBLAZER: Allan Chow

Need some color? Explore Allan Chow and explode the senses with the most delicious palette knife layers of luscious hues and contrasts that invite the soul to jump in and play. Dive into the Flint Hills with the sun, the grass, the fires, the rebirth, the storms – it’s all there. Desire something a bit […]

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Art Scene – Kansas City Trailblazers

Never underestimate the power of a hungry, talented, artistic woman on a mission. What strikes us as we learn more about these mavericks, is the sheer length of each of these women’s lives. We think there must be some real health benefits to pursuing the arts on one’s own terms… . (Author’s note: Many thanks […]

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Art Scene – Dean Mitchell

Peaceful, quiet, contemplative, witnessing – all descriptors of Dean Mitchell’s art thoughtfully created in a variety of media. Whether this prolific, powerhouse artist is working in oil, watercolor, or acrylic, the message is the same… sit back, take a look, don’t be in such a rush, see for yourself exactly what this world is offering […]

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Art Scene – Brady Legler

Homegrown and brilliant, Designer and Artist Brady Legler might be the most significant creative export from Kansas City in the last few decades. While he calls New York home now, he is a frequent visitor to Our Town, where his parents still live and hold down the fort of what has become the family business. […]

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Art Scene – Melissa McCracken

Imagine interpreting the world in a certain way and assuming that everyone else has the same interpretation – that all music is not only heard by the ears, but it is also associated with colors in the brain at the same time. No two pieces of music have the same color adaptation, and the colors […]

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Art Scene – Tie The Knot

Wedding gifts have varied over the years as much as brides’ hair styles and dresses have changed. Need we remind our dear readers that dowries used to be the only thing that made a wedding happen – or not happen – in many an instance? It was commonplace for a bride to come equipped with […]

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Art Scene – Glenn North

When a beloved grandmother asks for a poem to be memorized and recited, consider it done. Glenn North, at the age of eight, did exactly what his grandmother challenged him to, and since then, he’s been devoted to poetry – and activism. The poem was “If” by Rudyard Kipling, and it carries with it a […]

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Art Scene – Christianne Bohannon

This much is undeniable – Christianne (Chris) Bohannon has a delicious sense of humor and a big heart. Everything else about this St. Louis born – but Kansas City is home – animal lover can be subjective, but the humor and the heart are self-evident. Acrylic paint and brushes are her tools, but improv could […]

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Art Scene – Mike Lyon

Some things can’t be explained.  Some things can be briefed and overviewed in an attempt to condense the extremely complicated into the understandable for those of us who need assistance. The work of Mike Lyon straddles the hemispheres of north and south, east and west, left brain and right brain, genius and super-genius, explainable and […]

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Art Scene – Rachael Blackburn Cozad

Classifying Rachael Blackburn Cozad proves to be more challenging the more one dives into her many diverse artistic  pursuits. What strikes us initially is the breadth and depth of her knowledge; there is no one area of expertise, but rather a multitude of them. The second impression is of Rachael’s incredible and innate taste; she clearly […]

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Art Scene – Melanie Nolker

With a degree in psychology from Avila University, and many years teaching at the Multiply Handicapped Preschool at The University of Kansas Medical Center, and later as an administrator at St. Michael’s Day School helping mainstream children with special needs, Melanie Nolker seemed to have a comfortable niche in life. Although, she said, “I come […]

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Art Scene – Laura Crehuet Berman

“Is this one yummy enough to print?” The words are Laura Crehuet Berman’s, and she is speaking about a color – any color with which she plans to work. But the sentiment is definitely ours, her colors are indeed yummy. Before this article came into being, the thought process already existed that Laura Berman’s work […]

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Art Scene – Lonnie Powell

Let’s start with the Congressional Record proclamation in the House of Representatives in the state of Missouri on March 26th of 2015, recommended by the Honorable Emanuel Cleaver. Lonnie Powell’s accomplishments and contributions were and are so vast that a seven-paragraph entry was required to list the basics regarding this talented and dedicated artist and […]

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Art Scene – Kati Toivanen

Artist and athlete – not usually two descriptions seen in tandem. Kati Toivanen is unique in many ways, not the least of which are her two compelling passions. Born and raised in Finland, Kati earned her bachelor of fine arts degree from Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, and her master of fine arts degree from […]

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Art Scene – Cindy Scott Artistry

Having a wedding photographer is a must, even today when everything is digital. A wedding video is also nice, although the bride’s memory of the event might just be more magical without the reminder that her hair wasn’t perfect by hour five. There are also drones, GoPros, and photo booths. But, the most imaginative way […]

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Art Scene – Sara Sonié Joi Thompson-Ruffin

Sara Sonié Joi Thompson-Ruffin, known as Sonié, has an amazing résumé, and it merely scratches the surface of this important and prolific local artist. Born in 1951 in Joplin, Missouri, this talented fiber artist creates quilts using fabric, symbolism, and references to African textile motifs dealing with issues such as human rights, race, and gender. […]

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Art Scene – Harold Smith

Harold Smith, locally born and bred, can be declared as an art icon in our community. Most who are aware of our local art landscape know his name, have seen some of his work, and possibly know that he works in colors, poetic gestures, and jazz motions. What is harder to understand until conversing with […]

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Art Scene – John Keeling

We ran into John Keeling and his work quite by kismet. (By the way – the word kismet is taken from Turkish and Arabic origin – qisma, meaning lot or portion, which extrapolates out to “fate” as in, our portion of luck came due on an ordinary Autumn weekend in Overland Park.) During the fall […]

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